Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin

Beauty Boost

A combo shot that enhances and boosts healthy hair, skin, and nails. $60

  • Glutathione 
  • ALA (alpha lopoic acid)
  • B complex
Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin

Energy Blast Injection Tri-Amnio Blend

Excellent for athletes, parents, entrepreneurs and those needing an energy blast to get through a busy week. Formulated to increase energy without the crash.

  • L-Arginine, 
  • L-Citrulline 
  • L-Ornithine
Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin

Skinny Shot Injection

Energy boost with B-12, powerhouse vitamin and amino acids assisting in metabolic processes, increases overall energy, well being and  mental focus. Jump start and support your weight loss efforts with this combo shot designed to boost energy and promote fat dissolution.

  • Lipo B12 MIC Injection 
  • MIC (methionine, inositol, and choline) 
  • ALA (alpha lipoic acid), B Complex
Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin


Boost your energy and metabolism and destabilize fat deposits. 

Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin

Glutathione Injection

Powerful antioxidant, supports the liver and improves skin quality and glow.

Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin

Vitamin D Injection

A fat soluble vitamin that helps with cell repair, promotes calcium and phosphorus absorption and plays a role in immune health. 

Essential for healthy teeth, bones, immunity, mood regulation.

Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin

Taurine Injection

Reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure also great for athletes.

Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin

Non Narcotic Pain Med

Anti-inflammatory pain relief for sore muscles, stiff joints and headaches.

Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin

Antiemetic (Nausea Medication)

Calms nausea and vomiting symptoms.

Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin


Reduces inflammation and pain due to inflammation.

Beauty Boost | Vitamins for Better Skin


Treats sinus infections and allergies.